(the first short play I wrote for the Overnighters - 8/10/08)
Marilyn - A big shot woman in the theater.
Heather - The schemer.
Rebecca - The dimwitted accomplice.
A bucket
A glass of water
A dummy script which can be torn up
A brown glass medicine bottle (ether) and a rag
A lute or autoharp
A flashlight with colored cellophane over the lens
SETTING: APU Grant Hall, the Overnighters performance.
(lights go up on MARILYN, sitting in front row, looking all important. The curtain is drawn, and there is an air of expectation. Suddenly, MARILYN'S cell phone rings. She answers it.)
MARILYN: Yeah? What do you mean 'apparently there's going to be a slight delay'? I'm... No, you listen - I've got a whole roomful of people here waiting to be entertained, and if you think I'm going to get up there in front of them and do it, you'd better think again! No - no, I'm NOT doing the - I haven't done that in decades! NO! (hangs up viciously) DAMMIT! Where are they? Probably miniature golfing - fuckers. It's that playwright, I knew it the moment I saw him. Not that the actors are any better - and that director! DAWSON! Where are you?! I'm going to make you regret this! (turns to audience, patronizing) I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like there's going to be a slight delay. If you'll just sit tight for a minute, I'm going to sort it out. (she stalks out, and we hear her bellow from offstage) HEADS WILL ROLL!
(a moment of stillness, then a commotion from behind the curtain. We hear various clangs and rattles, then HEATHER and REBECCA'S voices)