Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Old 'Poetry', part I: Ode To An Unborn Poem (ca. 2000?)

I found this while going through stacks of old papers with scribbled bits on them, mostly dating back to the couple years after high school.  Having just recently read some very good poems by a new friend of mine - they deserve their own linking post, which I'll provide soon - I was inspired to go over the various little morsels of thingies I'd tried my prosy little hands at.  This was the first one that popped up as maybe worth posting...  and also the most 'complete' (only slight editing required, a word or two added/changed here and there).  Enjoy!  (and thanks again, JSM!)

Ode To An Unborn Poem
by Novel Miseries

Hello, my child:
I write this, thinking of you,
Knowing you already -
Through your pulse which fills me
With this sick energy.

Though I do not know who or what you will be,
Only that you gestate inside me -
The product of poor judgment
And a tornado of emotion I can't control.
And that I'll push you out, not because I want to
But because it can be no other way.

I'll tell you sometimes that you were conceived
At the fireplace, in the warm glow of romance -
Other times, that you are the result of rape.
That it was a difficult labor,
So you'd better behave.

I'll threaten you with all the ones that came before you
Aborted in the third stanza,
Ripped from me by the vacuum of my mind,
Emerging a bloody mess of indistinguishable
Conjoined rhyming couplets
And half-formed metaphors -
And with the unworthy efforts of my past,
Torn from journals and discarded,
Burnt in a candle.

Forgotten, except in that dark corner of my heart
Which still aches for all the unborn potentials
And unfulfilled ideas of beauty -
And which hates for the same reasons.

I'll give you all of that
All my pain,
My selfishness and resentment - 
And try to infuse in you
The hope that sometimes seems possible
In those pyrotechnic moments of joy,
All too brief
Where everything comes together.

It may not be enough
But it's all I have.
And so I'll feed you
On strained carats and linguistic formula,
Nurture your growing form,
And carry out my duties to you -
Content in the knowledge
That you will be
Fucked up.
Fucked up -
Just like me.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Two "albums" now posted on ReverbNation!

I'm in the process of attempting to consolidate all my various digital identities into "Novel Miseries", and simultaneously trying to get all my music and art and whatnot out there and accessible.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Eradicating the Poor

Thought I'd lost the original recording of this, but I found it the other day while sorting through files on the external hard drives.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mission Statement

Holy Smoke
unfinished drawing ca. 2003

I take exception to being perceived as cynical or curmudgeonly - I'm actually brimming over with idealistic fervor for a Utopia where every human could fulfill the massive potential I see in every person I've ever met. So, being confronted around every corner and on every webpage with the evidence of how crummy things are for so many people, and all of the ways we're selfishly doing ourselves and each other in when it is just - all - so - goddam - UNNECESSARY, that kind of makes me lose my patience with pretty much everyone in society today... Because they're not as filled with righteous outrage about things as I am, or something. It's lonely tilting at windmills all by oneself... but maybe I'm just obstinate and if everyone joined in, I'd be like, "Meh."

It's all so complicated, and you have to take everything into account - but you can't. And we seriously need to get our shit together, and we're not. I will not be Nero fiddling while Rome burns, just because that'll make my life easier.  Also, I don't care particularly for the violin.

No, I, the 'cynical, curmudgeonly' cuckold child of comely, concupiscent, constellatory Cassandra and catch-all cat-call comeback Chicken Little will continue to cry my catechism of calamity and complete consternation at the chaos, collusion, and conspiracy of the carbon-crapping crypto-corporatist control-complex conservative New 3rd World Order closing quickly on a complacently comfortable consumer-culture whose quotidian cares cripple their capability to come together in common cause and cameraderie. A quixotic quest?  Quite. Can I complete it? Coming up with a concatenation of circuituous circumstances in which such an occurance could conceivably be credible is certainly a considerable challenge, even to the colossal cognition of this contrarian.  So, I'm currently gonna call that question as a 'no' - capiche?

However powerless I may be to effect real change, I feel it's my duty to 'witness', so the least you could do is thank me for using up all these thoughts so that you never, ever, have to have them. 

You're welcome.

Sharks in the Deep End of the Pool
(No Swimming)
ca. 2005