Friday, May 10, 2013

It's not that I don't want to be famous - I just don't want you all to know who I am!

(initially posted in July 2010)

So, yeah - admittedly, it seems counterproductive to purposefully shroud one's identity, when one is already posting blog entries in the relative anonymity afforded by the world wide web. I mean, on the one hand, if you didn't want the world to know your business, why the hell are you writing a blog about it? And on the other hand, if you're writing a blog about it, why wouldn't you be out there shamelessly promoting it in the hopes of developing a regular readership? If a person who already had friends (or at least, acquaintances, I think I can go that far without offending anyone) were to decide that, for reasons known only to themselves, they were going to write a blog and wait for random followers to appear - rather than taking every opportunity to cross-link and talk up their latest effort - it would seem to indicate either a willful disconnect from reality or an attempt to prove some obscure sociological point... And, in my own case, I will freely and proudly admit to both. Throughout these entries, I hope to tread a fine line between talking about my personal experiences of life and actually revealing anything personal enough about myself to permit any kind of positive identification. This will likely fail, and the sooner someone goes all stalker and figures out who I am and posts it for the world the see, the more flattered I will be. In the mean time, I'm not above giving you all some clues:

Hint #1:

(There. See what you make of that, and check back on future posts for more hints... "Who is that mysterious masked blogger?")

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