Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jesus Stole My Baby

(First-take recording of ANOTHER song I wrote a couple months ago.  Lyrics after the jump.)

One Friday night I met her at a bar
We had a couple shots of R&R
Then I got to know her better
With one hand up in her sweater
A little later in the backseat of my car

Jesus stole my baby from me
Jesus stole my baby from me
One day, while I was on the nod
She took up with the Son of God
Jesus stole my baby from me

She was beautiful and blonde and fully stacked
Compensating for the intellect she lacked
She was really quite the looker
Even though the look was 'hooker'
And her reputation was less than intact

Jesus stole my baby from me
Jesus stole my baby from me
I'm a godless victim of a godly theft-
She got right, and I got left
Jesus stole my baby from me

I don't know what started her
A-hankerin' for that carpenter
Who took the only woman I adored

But He's got Cupid on his payroll
And I'm just a redneck a-hole
A man without the glory of the Lord

My baby used to love to have some fun
She knew how to drink, and how to shoot a gun
We'd get out on the floor and dance
And I'd have one hand in her pants
(and other things before the night was done)

Jesus stole my baby from me
Jesus stole my baby from me
Of all the lilies in the field
He knew she'd be the one to yield
Jesus stole my baby from me

My baby used to laugh at dirty jokes
She'd show her tits and spit and cuss and smoke
She'd sin to her sweet little heart's content
And never wondered what it meant
Until she heard the 'gospel' that He spoke

Jesus stole my baby from me
Jesus stole my baby from me
His lion lay down with her lamb
And Holy wham bam, thank you ma'am
Jesus stole my baby from me

I don't know what she coulda seen
In that no-account Nazarene-
Maybe just that He'd been circumcised down there?

Now she treats me like a pariah
'Cause she's screwin' the Messiah
And I have to ask, was I a fool to care?

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