Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tuning In Halfway Through A Political Speech

(Another brief snippet from 2008 or 2009.)

CANDIDATE: (in a rich southern dialect reminiscent of Foghorn Leghorn) -and we must continue our active, carefully targeted, demographically backed, effort to eradicate the poor. Now, for our upper-class listeners who may be alarmed at the broadness of that statement, let me clarify - I'm not talking about the eradication of po-ver-ty, which, as we know is a useful tool in ensuring the maintenance of the status quo - and a good way to frighten your children through college - No, we must maintain the abstract concept of PO-VER-TY, while eliminating the POOR - as I said, with the continued implementation of strategies of planned neglect - adequate underfunding of education, of health care, of all those things American families count on to become more unattainable with each passing year, and at the same time PROACTIVELY failing to plan for upcoming crises in Social Security, Medicare, and the environment... By spending irresponsibly, and wastefully, on wars of bloody, distracting, injustice - on political spin campaigns, the denunciation of activist judges, and all the projects deemed important to the bottom lines of the corporations, represented by the lobbies which represent - SO much - of the ECONOMY - that this great country stands for. As a Christian nation, we must remember, Jesus said, "There will always be poor among you." Well, with your vote, and your support - together - we can make a whole lot less of them. Thank you, and God bless.

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